
1985-08-11 to 1985-08-24
During August 1985 a long-range seismic experiment was carried out as part of KRISP '85 (Kenya Rift International Seismic Project 85) by a group of institutes from West Germany, Great Britain, USA, Switzerland, Kenya and Zimbabwe. Briefly along the N-S line eight shots were fired and recorded by 42 stations at 3.5 km intervals between CHE and SUS. Along the E-W line five shots were fired and recorded by 42 stations at 1.25 km intervals between NTU and MAR. On both lines 8 additional stations were used to fill gaps between the end and off-end shots at larger intervals.

Related People

Person Institute
James Mechie (PI) GFZ Potsdam

Used Equipment

Device Amount
MARS-66 50


[1° S, 36° E]

Related Data

There is data available from this project, but this data has no DOI yet. If you are interested, please contact us.