
SVEco-fennian-KArelian-LAPland/KOla transect:
1998-09-01 to 1999-03-31
SVEKALAPKO (SVEco-fennian-KArelian-LAPland/KOla transect) is a multidisciplinary EUROPROBE key project to study the evolution of Proterozoic and Archaen lithosphere. As part of it a passive seismological experiment is planned for the period September 1998 till March 1999. The objective is to obtain an image of the upper mantle in the transition from Proterozoic to Archaen crust in the Precambrian Baltic Shield. About 130 seismic stations equipped with broad band and short-period sensors will be opertated by groups from Finland, Russia, Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, France, Switzerland, and Germany. About 55 stations will be provided by the GFZ Geophysics equipment pool. Principal investigators from Germany are Guenter Bock (GFZ Potsdam) and Erhardt Wielandt (Stuttgart Uni). Scientific objectives of the Potsdam group are studies of (1) crust and mantle structure using receiver function tomography, (2) sharpness and depth variations of mantle discontinuities, and (3) anisotropy derived from shear wave splitting

Related People

Person Institute
Guenter Bock (PI) GFZ Potsdam

Used Equipment

Device Amount
BB 15

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[62° N, 26° E]

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